Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaas)

Disaster Recovery as a Service Graphic

Disaster recovery as a service (DRaaS) enables businesses to outsource the responsibility of data loss reduction. DRaaS utilizes a cost-effective combination of hardware, applications, and replication technology to provide real-time IT infrastructure backup and redundant functionality to lessen downtime while recovering from a disaster such as power outages, weather events, connection disruption, or even cyber-attacks. Nfina’s DRaaS can be utilized to meet a business’s needs at a moment’s notice, due to the flexible nature of the physical digital twin..

DRaaS uses the combined efforts of hardware and cloud based infrastructure to deploy disaster recovery solutions to recover data loss, using the strength of the Nfina’s storage, to entirely replicate an organizations critical IT infrastructure, including server environments necessary for it to keep running. A DRaaS is more than simply a backup service provider. DRaaS is intended to support all the necessary infrastructure, configurations, and functionality to completely replace your live service in the event of a failover by utilizing a DRaaS site populated by a physical digital twin.

Companies that provide Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) can now provide DRaaS as an affordable option for mid-market enterprises.

Implementation of DRaaS


In most instances, a distance of 600-1000 miles is recommended as a best practice for DRaaS, so that the data will not be affected by the disaster. Disaster recovery relies on the geographically redundant replication of data far enough away from the primary site. If an infrastructure failure occurs (for whatever reason), the business must recover lost data from a backup site.

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A backup is a very crude form of DRaaS, but its RPO (Recovery Point Objective) is usually insufficient for most organizations to avoid financial losses. In most cases, DRaaS backup schemes are very computed and I/O intensive, so they can only be run once a day (typically after hours) and result in data loss (up to 24 hours) if restoration is required.

It is important to design an active-active DRaaS replication system to minimize downtime during disaster recovery in order to ensure that compute and storage resources are duplicated and kept synchronized to minimize data loss. To maintain maximum protection while running out of the disaster recovery site, this DRaaS active-active scheme must also be reversible.

Cost of Downtime

The average downtime that organizations are experiencing is on the rise, leading to the popularity of DRaaS implementation. Recent studies show a 16x increase. In recent surveys, 91% of IT executives have estimated that the average downtime of the IT ecosystem is $300,000/hr, and 44% have reported it to exceed $1M/hr.

Don’t you think it makes sense to implement an active-active business continuity plan rather than the traditional once-a-day backup?

Understanding DRaaS


DRaaS, or Disaster Recovery as a Service, is a cloud-based service that allows businesses to backup and recover their data and IT infrastructure in the event of a disaster. This can include natural disasters such as hurricanes or earthquakes, as well as human-caused disasters like cyber attacks or power outages. Understanding DRaaS is essential for any business looking to protect themselves from potential downtime risks.  

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One of the main benefits of DRaaS is its ability to provide quick and efficient recovery in case of a disaster. Traditionally, disaster recovery involved setting up redundant systems and data centers at alternate locations, which can be costly and time-consuming. With DRaaS, all the necessary resources are already set up in the cloud, making it easier for businesses to resume operations quickly after an incident.  

Another advantage of DRaaS is its scalability. As businesses grow and their data needs increase, they can easily scale up their DRaaS plan without having to invest in expensive hardware or software upgrades. This gives companies the flexibility to adapt to changing needs without sacrificing security and reliability.  

In addition to providing backup and recovery services, many DRaaS providers also offer continuous monitoring of critical systems. This means that any potential issues can be detected early on by a DRaaS provider before they turn into major problems that could cause significant downtime.  

It’s important for businesses to understand that not all disasters are created equal – some may only affect certain aspects of their IT infrastructure while others may bring everything down. That’s why it’s crucial for companies to work with reputable DRaaS providers.

DRaaS Scoping


Nfina typically offers a Disaster Recovery solution to clients after meeting with a group of highly qualified technical staff members to explore the current IT ecosystem. Customer’s typically provide Live Optics or RVTools spreadsheets which provide detailed information about the customer’s IT ecosystem for their DRaaS solution.

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DRaaS) is like having an insurance policy for your data; it’s that safety net that ensures that even if the worst happens, you can still get back up again. With DraaS, disaster recovery scoping becomes exciting because it means your business can be up and running quickly after any potential catastrophe. 

Based on this customer-provided information about the onsite compute and storage environment, Nfina’s DRaaS technical team can design a custom solution (including an offsite physical digital twin) to meet all of the clients disaster recovery requirements.

Complete your Business Continuity Plan with DRaaS Managed Operations

Stop racking your brain on how to recover from a natural disaster or cyberattack. Nfina has you covered with our DRaaS and Hybrid Cloud solutions. We have business continuity built-in, so in case of any unforeseen circumstances, our team can swiftly ensure that operations remain uninterrupted. Our Hybrid Cloud solution integrates local VMs, cluster-to-cluster replication, and remote data storage for backup and DRaaS purposes. Beyond that, Nfina offers comprehensive IT infrastructure services including IT policies, standards, processes, systems, measurements, and maintenance – all tailored to meet your company’s risk management, cost control, IT governance compliance, and business performance goals.

DRaaS at Nfina

With the advent of immutable snapshots originating from the storage array, high frequency RTO/RPO policies can now be implemented with DRaaS coupled with hyperconverged storage. With this technology, organizations can recover their IT infrastructure in minutes rather than hours or days, minimizing data loss and downtime.

Companies offering Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) can now offer DRaaS as a cost-effective option for mid-market enterprises thanks to recent advances in immutable snapshot technology. Nfina’s implementation of DR successfully implements the NIST Cyber-Security Standard for data recovery.

The Benefits of Implementing DRaaS in Your Business


Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS) is a cloud-based solution that helps businesses mitigate the effects of potential disasters and quickly recover from any unexpected downtime. In today’s fast-paced business world, downtime can have devastating consequences for organizations, including financial losses, damaged reputation, and loss of customer trust. Therefore, implementing DRaaS has become increasingly crucial for businesses to stay resilient in the face of unforeseen events.  

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Here are some key benefits of implementing DRaaS for your business:  

1. Minimizes Downtime:Downtime can occur due to various reasons such as natural disasters, cyber-attacks, or human errors. With DRaaS, businesses can minimize their downtime by having a comprehensive disaster recovery plan in place. This ensures that critical systems and data are replicated and stored offsite in the cloud so that they can be quickly restored by a DRaas provider in case of an outage. This significantly reduces the time it takes to get back up and running after a disaster.  

2. Cost-Efficient:  Traditional disaster recovery solutions require significant investments in hardware, software licenses, and IT resources to maintain them. On the other hand, DRaaS is a cost-efficient solution as it eliminates the need for expensive infrastructure and reduces IT maintenance costs. It also offers flexibility with pay-as-you-go pricing models where businesses only pay for the resources they use during a disaster event.  

3. Scalable:  DRaaS allows businesses to scale their disaster recovery capabilities according to their needs without any additional investments in physical infrastructure or equipment upgrades. 

Tips for Choosing the Right DRaaS Provider


DRaaS has become an essential component of business continuity planning, especially in today’s digital landscape where downtime can have significant consequences on a company’s operations. However, choosing the right DRaaS provider is crucial in ensuring that your business can quickly recover from any disasters or disruptions.  

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Here are some important tips to consider when selecting the right DRaaS provider for your business:  

1. Determine Your Recovery Objectives: Before you even start looking for a DRaaS provider, it’s essential to determine your recovery objectives. This includes understanding the critical systems and applications that need to be recovered first and how quickly they need to be restored. Having a clear understanding of these DRaas objectives will help you evaluate potential providers more effectively. 

2. Evaluate Their Experience and Expertise: When it comes to disaster recovery, experience and expertise matter significantly. Look for a DRaaS provider with a proven track record of helping businesses recover from various disasters efficiently. Additionally, ensure that their team has the necessary expertise and skills to handle complex recovery scenarios. When choosing a DRaaS provider, it’s crucial to evaluate their experience and expertise in this field. 

3. Assess Their Infrastructure Capabilities: The infrastructure capabilities of a DRaaS provider play a vital role in determining their ability to deliver fast and reliable recovery services. Ask about their data centers’ location, redundancy measures, backup power sources, network connectivity options, and security protocols. 

4. Review Their Disaster Recovery Plan: It’s crucial to review the DRaaS plan of any potential provider thoroughly. A well-documented plan should include detailed processes for disaster detection and response time estimations for any case of outage.



The importance of protecting your business from downtime cannot be emphasized enough. As we have discussed in this article, the consequences of even a few minutes of downtime can be devastating for any organization. To ensure the smooth functioning and longevity of your business, taking proactive measures with DRaaS to protect against downtime is crucial. 

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The importance of protecting your business from downtime cannot be emphasized enough. As we have discussed in this article, the consequences of even a few minutes of downtime can be devastating for any organization. To ensure the smooth functioning and longevity of your business, taking proactive measures with DRaaS to protect against downtime is crucial.