Mid-Size Enterprise
Data Storage FAQ

Mid-Size Enterprise Data Storage FAQ

How is mid-size enterprise storage changing?

According to research done by Gartner®, web-scale IT will be operating in half of all global enterprises by 2017. Web-scale IT basically means a flexible, open approach to storage where facilities will be using storage devices and network equipment from a variety of companies and will take a hybrid approach to enterprise data storage. As Gartner® stated in their press release, “the server hegemony is broken.”

What are the main challenges faced by mid-size enterprise storage today?

The number one challenge faced by mid-size enterprise storage today is of course the exponential growth of data while simultaneously experiencing a decrease in budget. Other problems that arise from these challenges include the cost of acquiring new storage materials, the under-utilization of current storage assets, environmental costs, and the inability to hire more staff to manage the constant influx of data. Lastly, data centers must constantly focus on data protection and business continuity, no matter what.

What are the best approaches to dealing with challenges?

Dealing with all of these challenges at once is no small feat. New solutions to mid-size enterprise storage needs to be flexible, scalable, efficient and cost-effective. In order to meet these challenges in a way that addresses all the above, mid-size enterprise data centers should consolidate servers through either clustering or virtualization and then choose new equipment that easily accommodates growth and scaling.

What are the advantages of virtualization?

Server virtualization is the best route where there is low CPU usage and disk I/O. This approach doesn’t rely on specific hardware and virtual machines can be moved around based on storage needs.

What are the advantages of clustering?

Clustering is better for I/O intensive applications and high CPU. The main benefits to clustering are increased performance and application availability.

How does Nfina help overcome the challenges faced by mid-size enterprise storage?

Nfina’s products provide an open-architecture approach to storage solutions, allowing you to break the chains that one vendor has bound around your organization. All of our products can be incorporated into most any storage system. Our servers and network equipment are enterprise-class, efficient and cost-effective. Our products allow for easy storage tiering and the ability to plan ahead and scale out whenever the time comes.

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